Tuesday, November 24, 2009

NDG’s Halal Al-Ubaidi honoured for her community work

Presented with the YMCA Peace Award

by Elisabeth Faure
View all articles from Elisabeth Faure
Article online since November 23rd 2009, 12:23
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NDG’s Halal Al-Ubaidi honoured for her community work
Halal Al-Ubaidi as she accepts the YMCA Peace Award for her community involvement.
Halah Al-Ubaidi’s passion for her work is obvious from the moment you enter the NDG Community Center. The community organizer’s workspace is overflowing with pamphlets from virtually every non-profit organization in NDG, and a cork board above her desk is covered with notices for upcoming events and well-wishes from local politicians.
Throughout the interview, a young boy darted in and out of the room, as Al-Ubaidi offered him balloons to play with, and wiped apple crumbs from his cheek. He was the son of a recent Canadian immigrant who was in the next office, fixing a broken computer. When the man’s wife came to the NDG Community Council and mentioned her husband was looking for work, Al-Ubaidi learned he had computer experience and offered him a job. This is just one of the ways in which Al-Ubaidi constantly tries to help local residents.

“This is a great community,” she said. I mean, it’s one of the most active communities.”

At the annual YMCA Peace Awards on November 13th, Al-Ubaidi was honoured for her community work. “It’s a very happy occasion. Maybe that’s why I’m happy all the time the past few days!” she laughed. The award now hangs above the community notices on her wall.

“When I came here,” recalled Al-Ubaidi of her move to Montreal twelve years ago, “downtown, activism was so-so. Then, I came to NDG - and everyone’s an activist! My God! They are boiling with action - you cannot control these people!” she joked.

Born in Iraq, Al-Ubaidi moved to Jordan in 1991, after the Gulf War. There, she worked as an environmental expert for seven years before moving to Montreal.

It was in Jordan that Al-Ubaidi first became involved in community activism, a trend that continued when she moved to Canada. “I started as a community organizer with 2020,” said Al-Ubaidi. The NDG 2020 Public Assembly is a group that conducts round table talks between NDG residents and community groups to discuss local issues.

“2020 was a great opportunity for me,” said Al-Ubaidi. “It’s a public assembly, so it’s a chance to meet people. It’s also an excellent opportunity to meet community workers.”

Al-Ubaidi eventually moved to NDG Community Council, and has been there for the past four years. “We want people to live in harmony, and we want them to have a good quality of life,” said Al-Ubaidi of the organization’s mission. “We work to provide them with information, to give them services, and to help them find their place in the neighborhood.”

The Community Council works with many other local groups to tackle issues like unemployment, housing, and poverty. “I still see people going to the Food Depot,” said Al-Ubaidi, in reference to the NDG food bank. “I don’t want to see that, and I don’t know how to stop it for good, but it’s a wish of mine.”

She urged NDG residents to support the Depot’s annual Christmas food drive. The Depot provides a paper bag to every household, which residents can fill with non-perishable food. The bags are picked up by volunteers and go to help families in need.

On Christmas Day, the Council will also be helping NDG residents to celebrate by holding their annual Christmas dinner.

“We invite all the immigrant families who are new here and don’t have anyone to celebrate with,” said Al-Ubaidi. “We serve everyone turkey from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. - it’s a big event.”

Last year, meals were served to over 650 people, and Al-Ubaidi promises attendees can expect music and other live entertainment.

Al-Ubaidi’s message as the holiday season approaches is to get more involved with the NDG Community Council and with all the other grassroots organizations in NDG. “Volunteer, support, give - whatever you do, it’s good for your community,” she said, as the young boy’s mother arrived to pick up her husband and son.

For more information about the NDG Community Council, visit www.ndg.ca

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